[OSList] World open space: Hitting the big 100

Suzanne Daigle sdaigle4 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 06:52:42 PDT 2012

> To my dear Worldwide Open Space friends,
> In less than 2 weeks, I will be on British soil.  My enthusiasm for the
> WOSonOS is bubbling over.  I fear that I would fail miserably were I to
> facilitate such an event because my excitement, gratitude, appreciation and
> anticipation is too great. I would not be able to calmly open, hold and
> close the space. I feel like a little kid looking forward to Christmas.

> Yesterday morning Chuni Li, who I worked with in New Jersey, sent a quick
> email to say "I'm coming to London". I could hear myself shouting YAHOO!.
> It will be her first WOSonOS and hearing her speaking in awe almost of
> everyone she has been reading about who she will meet in person took me
> back to me, 3 years ago when I went to Taiwan. Back then I nervously
> anticipated meeting the esteemed Lisa Heft. She was on a flight landing
> almost at the same time as mine and she said she'd wait for me. I was more
> than a tad nervous feeling I knew so little about Open Space compared to
> her and others who would be attending. Little did I know how wonderfully
> approachable she would be and how I would meet life long friends, people
> who are as dear to me today as the first time I got to see them in person.
> The bond and connection we have; how we seek each other out; how we all
> share via email now having met in person is such a great gift.

It's in Taiwan that I met the late Brian Bainbridge. He was the spitting
image of my grand-dad and also looked like my father too. A bit stern
looking but with a wonderful sense of humor. I took this as a sign.  I
heard that he attended most of the WOSonOS and I thought wow, I wish I
could do that too.  Well to date I have... Berlin, Chile and now England.

The point of this personal sharing is that I know without a shadow of a
doubt the power of what Open Space opens for people, the shared leadership,
the unleashing of creativity, innovation and possibilities, the invitation
to our inner self and to the powerful connection of community wherever it
is happening with small and large groups. Yes I know this and feel so
grateful that "fate" led me to discover and engage in this work.

The icing on the cake though is the opportunity to spend time with people
face-to-face who love this work in the same way, wave riders enjoying this
exhilarating ride that we call life.  If there is a possibility that you
can come to London and do as Chuni has done, making that last minute
decision and saying "I"m coming". Please do!  It will be so worth it. So
whether you travel by land, over the water or by air and if you can make
the time and find the dollars to do so, I assure you, speaking from
experience, that it will be amazing in the way of "whatever happens is the
only thing that could have" and "be prepared to be surprised"!

Much love from Florida,

> On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Phelim McDermott <phelim at mac.com> wrote:
>> Dear Open Space List members,
>> Here in the UK and at Improbable we are feeling very excited as today our
>> bookings for WOSonOS 2012 reached 100 people!
>> As of yet we have not managed to get all their faces onto the who's
>> coming page (do upload your picture if you haven't done it yet) on our
>> website and  it is lovely to see the crowd of wonderful faces growing on
>> the website.
>> http://wosonos2012.com/who-is-coming.php
>> It truly looks to be an outstanding gathering of amazingly creative minds
>> that will gather in London Stoke Newington in a few weeks time for a great
>> three day experience of open space.
>> As you know this group of people will never be together in this same
>> combination ever again and this WOSonOS will truly be like no other
>> celebration!
>> It's great that Harrison will be with us and will be giving an
>> introductory talk on our welcoming evening. I can guarantee he will be
>> making a unique entrance as the party gets underway!
>> Before the open space proceedings get going we will be inviting our
>> guests from all over the world to join us in a unique celebration of 20
>> years of World Open Space gatherings.
>> I can also guarantee that thanks to the unique challenge of not being
>> able to use the walls of our venue you will see the creation of a totally
>> one off open space Market Place! (Necessity is the mother of invention)
>> All that combined with our welcoming bees, some red double decker buses
>> to ride on to see London on our second evening and the company of some of
>> the greatest minds in the open space community will mean an event you will
>> not want to have missed! and that's all before the real juicy work starts!
>> So sign up now if you still haven't done so right here
>> https://wosonos2012.eventbrite.com/?nomo=1
>> Oh and if you can't make it do let someone you know who should be one of
>> those "right people" know about this unmissable one off event!
>> In loving anticipation...
>> Phelim
>> www.wosonos2012.com
>> -----------------------------
>>  I generally pick up emails only at the beginning and end of the working
>> day. I am currently aiming to respond the following day. If it is urgent
>> please call me on 07956 187298.
>> ___________________/////////////
>> Sent from my iPhone
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> --
> Suzanne Daigle
> NuFocus Strategic Group
> 7159 Victoria Circle
> University Park, FL 34201
> FL 941-359-8877;
> CT 203-722-2009
> www.nufocusgroup.com
> s.daigle at nufocusgroup.com
> twitter @suzannedaigle

Suzanne Daigle
NuFocus Strategic Group
7159 Victoria Circle
University Park, FL 34201
FL 941-359-8877;
CT 203-722-2009
s.daigle at nufocusgroup.com
twitter @suzannedaigle
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