[OSList] This is London - broadcasting from WOSonOS?

Harold Shinsato harold at shinsato.com
Fri Sep 28 09:01:35 PDT 2012

London Calling - inviting those willing to help share what's happening 
at the World Open Space on Open Space Oct 11-14, let's start the 
conversation about how folks around the world can follow what we're 
doing and possibly even participate.

Someone posted to Phelim's invitation to the LinkedIn OST group 
(http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Open-Space-Technology-81286) a request 
for ways to participate online.

It looks like the organizers have already started using the twitter tag 
#WOSONOS. This is probably the lightest and least disruptive way to let 
others follow along and participate.

http://www.ustream.tv/ makes it easy to broadcast from smart phones and 
laptops if we have wifi on site.

Looks like lots of ways to broadcast audio as well. I think I'll figure 
out one of those before to broadcast Harrison's opening comments. Would 
love to connect with others who might be interested in helping us 
amplify the impact of these conversations in our community.

Getting more and more excited - can't wait!

Harold Shinsato
harold at shinsato.com <mailto:harold at shinsato.com>
twitter: @hajush <http://twitter.com/hajush>
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