[OSList] Ending a one day OST with 775?

Marie Ann Östlund marieann.ostlund at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 01:55:46 PDT 2012

Hej Pernilla,

Behöver du hjälp med att plocka läskflaskor och tuggummin? Säg bara
till. Verkar som ett spännande OS.

Jag ska till London! Går även på Lisa Hefts workshop.

Ha det gott,

Marie Ann

On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Pernilla Luttropp <pluttropp at swipnet.se> wrote:
> Dear collegues!
> I very much enjoy the conversations on this list. But I haven¹t used it for
> getting input myself until now. I'm looking forward to your wise thoughts on
> my question.
> I¹ve been doing Open Space for over 10 years, some big and some small but
> most of them for only one day. Right now I¹m planning a one day Open Space
> at a school with 775 students, 16-18 years, teachers and politicians. The
> pre-group, with mostly students, decided on the theme ³What do you want to
> change in our municipality?² (I tried to argue for develop/expand instead of
> change, but they didn¹t want to develop all the bad things...).
> I might add that the politicians are really excited about this and they have
> decided to return to the school within 2 months with feedback on the issues
> that involves their work.
> My question is how to end this Open Space the best way. I haven¹t done a big
> group like this for a few years and since then I¹ve changed some things -
> ³one less thing to do². I used to do prioritizing with dots in big groups
> but lately I just give space for reflections or invite for action planning,
> depending on the group.
> The pre-group was worried that the 1st-graders would be too shy to announce
> their issue in the microphone. I¹m not too worried about that, but I¹m not
> sure that inviting for action planning is a good idea. It might just be the
> ³known voices² of the school that steps up (that would probably change if
> the Open Space went on for two days).
> My gut feeling now is to do prioritizing, call out the top 5 issues, let
> everybody say one word each in the microphone and then end it with the
> turn-around-and-take-the­next-step. That will probably only take one hour
> (young people are usually fast). What do you think?
> This is the schedule for now:
> 8:30 Introduction and creating the wall
> 9:30 Session 1
> 10.40 Session 2
> 11:45-13.15 Lunch (not negotiable time)
> 13:15 Session 3
> 14:20 Coffee break, time for finishing report and getting back in the circle
> 14:45  ???
> 16.15 Ending time
> Rainy greetings from Sweden and Stockholm!
> Pernilla Luttropp
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