[OSList] In the OST spirit: Sept 22 Earthdance globally-synchronized Prayer ffor world peace & justice
Patricia Haines
levelgreen2010 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 04:58:55 PDT 2012
On Sept 22nd folks of all ages around the world will lend their voices to a
call for world peace - all at the same moment.
Earthdance International (earthdance.org) links 300+ community events in
over 30 countries with this Prayer at the center. Anyona e anywhere can
join in - on their own, with families and friends, create their own
If you're anywhere near Ithaca, NY, consider joining us at 4-H Acres for
two-day family-friendly festival of music & dance for world peace, justice
and a sustainable future for all. Details at <earthdanceithaca.org>.
Information links about similar events around the world are at <
So - whatever you're doing on Saturday the 22nd,. join the Dance at 7 pm
Eastern US. midnight England, 4 am Tel Aviv - equivalent times wherever you
*"We are one global family
All colors, All races
One world united.
We dance for peace and the healing of our planet Earth
Peace for all nations.
Peace for our communities.
And peace within ourselves.
As we join all dance floors across the world,
let us connect heart to heart.
Through our diversity we recognize Unity.
Through our compassion we recognize Peace.
Our love is the power to transform our world
Let us send it out
Patricia Haines, Level Green Institute
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