[OSList] OST Nostalgia: US Elections & Harrison

Chris Kloth chris at got2change.com
Sat Oct 27 08:27:28 PDT 2012

As long as I am in an OST nostalgia moment, the election in the US has  
me thinking about another Harrison moment.

ChangeWorks of the Heartland was hosting Harrison in Columbus, Ohio on  
election day in the year 2000.

Two things happened that I remember fondly.

First, we had a "training" workshop on OST. The design, of course,  
included self-organization to engage the group in creating the session  
that would be most valuable to them. I assumed that Harrison, the guy  
that everyone had paid to see, would take the lead after a few  
welcomes and thank-yous by me. Moments before we were about to start  
Harrison said he would prefer to watch and listen and then do his  
thing at the end. When he saw how startled I was he said, "You've done  
this before. You'll do fine."

It all went very well...I did fine, Harrison had fun and the group was  

He was staying at my house that night and we had a group of friends  
and colleagues over to watch the election results. Americans will  
probably remember that was the infamous Bush -v- Gore election.

Late at night when it was clear we would not know the outcome any time  
soon Harrison went to bed after announcing, "I don't know if I have  
been Bush-ed or Gore-ed! I need some sleep!."

With this election looking like it will come down to the wire I am  
wondering whether we will be Mitt-ened or Barack-ed!

As an aside, whatever your political persuasion, I hope you will  
reflect on how much good could have been done on behalf of people in  
need with the money spent on campaigns and, especially the vitriolic  
ads on both sides. (In Ohio we have been especially targeted for this  
toxic waste.) We need campaign reform desperately in the USA and it  
will not start at the top.


Chris Kloth
Senior Partner
ChangeWorks of the Heartland
250 South Virginalee Road
Columbus, OH 43209-2052
Phone: 614.239.1336
Fax: 614.237.2347
E-mail: chris at got2change.com
URL: www.got2change.com

Think globally, Act locally

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