[OSList] Article about OS a question
"Meike Hübel | erziehungsweise e. V."
meike.huebel at erziehungsweise.org
Sat Jun 16 22:45:34 PDT 2012
Dear all, dear Phelim,
my name is Meike (it is a german women's name, has nothing to do with 'Michael'). I'm new to the list, but not new to open space!
What I would like to add is relaxation (I hope, this word meets exactly what I want to express). It means to me, that participants feel free, to be/to feel like they actually do. No need to hide, no need to play a role. A butterfly (so to say: just sitting around doing nothing) is as important as a leader of a workshop of thirty people. You are EXPECTED to do nothing if you feel like doing nothing.
Doing nothing is considered to be as precious as working a lot … that's a revolution!
Hope that would be helpful.
Best wishes,
Am 14.06.2012 um 12:10 schrieb Phelim McDermott:
> Dear Friends,
> I've been asked to write an article for the culture professionals network on the Guardian newspaper website. It will be about our upcoming tour of "Devoted and Disgruntled: What are we going to do about theatre? " roadshow. 20 open space events over three months all making up one big conversation. see the tour here..
> www.devotandanddisgruntled.com
> So of course the article will be about open space.
> I'm thinking on the things I want to say and was wondering if people had a thought about this.
> What about Open space do you wish got said in the media that doesn't often get said?
> What would you like me to mention that doesn't normally get mentioned?
> Best
> Phelim
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Meike Hübel • erziehungsweise e.V.
Münchener Straße 48 • 10779 Berlin • www.erziehungsweise.org
tel [+ 49.30] 301 047 92 • skype mariiike
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