[OSList] Designing an OS way

fischer florian florianfischer at ff-wey.com
Tue Sep 20 02:12:00 PDT 2011

Hi, John, look how your input is rippling !

» ..just the next move... « that is in german »Der nächste Schritt«  
which is just the title of my book in german language
available up from the end of october. Poems, dialogues, stories. I put  
in all the experience from my working and living mainly since that  
time when I got in contact with the ideas of so called open space  
technology, which is for me more philosophy than technology, including  
the communication with Harrison and Marve and Sandra and Ralph and all  
of you in the oslist. Shortly to say, I´m deeply convinced that the  
»immediate next step« is the casting moment of energy in our move, in  
planning, in thinking, in doing. If we feel right within every  
immediate next step we must not worry about the future.
Regards from a bright day in Berlin


Am 19.09.2011 um 22:02 schrieb Michael Herman:

> ...... prefers instead to be told just the next move or two, to move  
> him in the right direction and then when he gets farther up the  
> road, he gets to meet and ask someone else for another nudge in the  
> right direction.  says something, i think, about popping in and out  
> of a stable self vs. being in that flow.   and reminds me of  
> harrison's suggestion, from the beginning, that action planning be  
> about "immediate next steps" in each of the important areas  
> identified and discussed in a meeting or event.

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