[OSList] Question about largish open space

Lisa Heft lisaheft at openingspace.net
Wed May 18 11:05:23 PDT 2011

Hi all -
I laugh when I say 'quick answers' and realize I wrote so much. I type  
very quickly ;o)

So I omitted some words - my recommendation to not do any full-form OS  
is specifically about that 1.5 hours that happens on Day 1 of the  
I am recommending it be used for energizing the group by doing Opening  
Circle / agenda co-creation, and taking enough time for that  
explanation, invitation and process.
It's not ideal but I have done it in conferences when I could not get  
continuous-right-into-OS-sessions time that day on the program - and  
folks showed up to the OS ready to work on their sessions, with just a  
quick reminder of principles and law (or a full-on opening circle if  
there are a lot of new people).


On May 18, 2011, at 10:53 AM, Lisa Heft wrote:

> <snip>

> My experience would recommend you do not have to do any full-form OS  
> - in fact, how could you in 1.5 hours? How could you do it justice?  
> Won't their passion for the agenda topics they raise in that Day 1  
> 1.5 hours energize their interest in coming to those sessions later  
> in the conference? Won't your making the topics visible (such as  
> outside in the hallway as well as in the OS room) spark their  
> interest and continue the invitation and the passion?  And then in  
> your OS room you can invite folks to come in and out (as they will  
> when it is a concurrent track in a traditional conference) and post  
> sessions for whenever on the OS schedule they can return to host or  
> attend that topic. No?

> <snip>

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