[OSList] weekly evening meetings - Open Space program proposal

Kári Gunnarsson kari.gunnarsson at simnet.is
Mon May 23 09:06:35 PDT 2011

Dear Open Space Community

I am adventuring into uncharted territory. I got the Idea at the
Wosonos2011 in Berlin that a full os with action planning could be run
at a weekly meetings format. I set up as six weekly
evening meeting from 19:30 - 24:00.  I like to know if anyone has
experience to share with me of working with os in this type of format.

This is the idea for the Program

14. June
19:50 - Opening Space
20:10 - Few words about the theme from the Sponsor
20:30 - Making the Agenda wall
21:00 - Opening the Marketplace and Newsroom
21:30 - Session 1
22:30 - Session 2

21. June
19:50 - Opening news
20:30 - Session 3
22:00 - Session 4

28. June
19:50 - Opening news
20:30 - Session 5
22:00 - Session 6

5. July
19:50 - Opening news / Deadline day for reports
20:30 - Session 7
22:00 - Butterfly session / last time to write up reports

12. July
19:50 - Opening news / opening for action planing
20:30 - Newsroom Bee session
22:00 - Action planning session

19. July
19:50 - Opening news
20:30 - Next steps session
21:30 - Closing circle

With love to you all

Kári Gunnarsson landfræðingur
kari.gunnarsson at simnet.is
gsm: +354 8645189

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