[OSList] Open Space short video

Harrison Owen hhowen at verizon.net
Mon May 30 05:26:36 PDT 2011

David - It's brilliant. Thank You!




Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854


Phone 301-365-2093


www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)

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From: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
imaginac at bigpond.net.au
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2011 9:08 PM
To: 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
Subject: [OSList] Open Space short video


Hi Open Spacers,


I video'd the OSonOSinOZ conference back in 2002. I am currently preparing a
presentation on 'simplicity in communication' and of course the Open Space
approach meshes perfectly. I thought I'd post the short video on YouTube for
those who may not have seen it. On the recommendation of Fr Brian Bainbridge
I tried to encapsulate the essence of OS in a concise form. Hence no music,
just natural bushland sounds and snippets of the ediscussions. See link


Those who were there will note that the grand old Marylands Guest House was
completely destroyed in the 2009 bushfires, along with most of the town of
Marysville. The town is still being rebuilt.


If anyone is interested, I also have extended interviews with several OS
people including Harrison Owen plus about 8 hours of video all up. 




Best regards to all!




Dr David   Smith
BSc(Hons) PhD FRSA
Director, imaginACTION pty   ltd
50 Sweyn Street
Balwyn North
Victoria   3104
t +613 9857 8688
m 0411 444 048
david at imaginaction.net.au

Overall  Winner,  
Australian Achiever Awards
Victorian TV, Film, Audio and Video



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