[OSList] Open Space short video
fischer florian
florianfischer at ff-wey.com
Sun May 29 23:55:28 PDT 2011
Thank you, David.
The shortness is perfect.
It´s touching.
Greetings from Berlin.
Florian Fischer
ff at begleitung-im-wandel.com
Münchener Straße 6
10779 Berlin
Fon (030) 2116752
Am 30.05.2011 um 03:07 schrieb <imaginac at bigpond.net.au>:
> Hi Open Spacers,
> I video’d the OSonOSinOZ conference back in 2002. I am currently
> preparing a presentation on ‘simplicity in communication’ and of
> course the Open Space approach meshes perfectly. I thought I’d post
> the short video on YouTube for those who may not have seen it. On
> the recommendation of Fr Brian Bainbridge I tried to encapsulate the
> essence of OS in a concise form. Hence no music, just natural
> bushland sounds and snippets of the ediscussions. See link below.
> Those who were there will note that the grand old Marylands Guest
> House was completely destroyed in the 2009 bushfires, along with
> most of the town of Marysville. The town is still being rebuilt.
> If anyone is interested, I also have extended interviews with
> several OS people including Harrison Owen plus about 8 hours of
> video all up.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WlRiX_ID68
> Best regards to all!
> David
> Dr David Smith
> BSc(Hons) PhD FRSA
> Director, imaginACTION pty ltd
> 50 Sweyn Street
> Balwyn North
> Victoria 3104
> t +613 9857 8688
> m 0411 444 048
> david at imaginaction.net.au
> www.imaginaction.net.au
> imaginACTION
> Overall Winner,
> Australian Achiever Awards
> Victorian TV, Film, Audio and Video
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