[OSList] The 6th Principle / Sardinia

Anna Caroline Türk act at boscop.org
Wed May 25 09:13:26 PDT 2011

Dear Florian & all,

your poem encouraged me to welcome you to the 6th principle.... of 
Dicky shared it with me right after the Closing Circle in Sardinia:

*Whoever you are - is the right person.*

This is a reminder that wherever I am on my journey: it has lead me to 
this PLACE  right NOW, called 'HERE'.
This moment invites me to enjoy, create, celebrate, open space, remember...
It is here, where I can remember or become concious that this moment is 
my creation & I have created it for my highest celebration, learning 
expanding. To think about how I should, would or could be is absolutly 
irrelevant - who I am right now is RIGHT.

Since the 5th principle connects us with the planet, the 6th connects us 
to our (higher)self - same same but different, innit?

much Love
Anna Caroline

open space.

On 5/25/11 4:32 PM, fischer florian wrote:
> Am 24.05.2011 um 17:38 schrieb Harrison Owen:
>> ....
>> So do we really need a 5^th Principle? I don’t know. And for sure I 
>> wouldn’t waste time convening a council of the wise to make the 
>> determination. Personally, I am just stuck with it, as I was with the 
>> preceding 4.  Blinding Flashes of the obvious that I just couldn’t 
>> avoid. Will than make sense to anybody else? Who knows?
> Do we need a fifth principle ?
> Do we need any principle ?
> Do we need anything
> while everything and all
> is happening by itself
> using and engaging
> and empowering us
> for the realization of all ?
> Do we need principles ?
> Do we need a law ?
> Do we need to exclaim:
> »be prepared to be surprised «
> whilst we are surprised
> of being prepared ?
> One, or two or five
> or countless principles,
> beginning with »wh«
> whoever, whatever, whenever,
> when, or whereever
> it is all within our experience
> of the very one principle »why ?«
> which is our neverending surprise
> and the question
> which never will be answered
> as long as we are alive
> as bumblebees and butterflies.
> Florian
> Florian Fischer
> ff at begleitung-im-wandel.com <mailto:ff at begleitung-im-wandel.com>
> www.begleitung-im-wandel.com <http://www.begleitung-im-wandel.com>
> Münchener Straße 6
> 10779 Berlin
> Fon (030) 2116752
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