[OSList] 답장: Re: The 5th Principle / Sardinia

Stanley Park spark.osk at gmail.com
Tue May 24 08:30:22 PDT 2011

For me the set of 4 principles & 1 Law has been enough to take an etenal
journey of human conscious.

Someone said “One Thing Less is More,” and I bought that immediately into my
everyday consciousness.

And I'm happy 1 inch more everyday. ;-))

Thank you for this rich conversation.

Vibrant PEACE powered by OST,


Open Space Institute of Korea

2011. 5. 24. 오후 11:59에 "Lisa Heft" <lisaheft at openingspace.net>님이 작성:

Bernd - thank you for your thoughts on implicit and explicit and for your
eloquent reminder that 'wherever we open space in the sense of OST. There
are no other places. There is only a HERE.'

I appreciate this exploration -and- I, too, would not personally add a 5th
Principle. First, because less is more. Second, because Open Space allows
one to be...here...now.
So the process shows right place eloquently already.
I do not have to say it.
One less thing, and one more remembrance that telling a fact does is not the
thing that makes a person feel it. Being in an experience does.

However I do enjoy this exploration...

>From a sunny Spring morning in California,

Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
*Opening Space*
lisaheft at openingspace.net

On May 24, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Bernd Weber wrote:


> YES of course: WHEREVER IT IS, is the right place
> But here comes my
> ----
> NO:
> ----
> I...

> So, of course this 5th "principle" makes us aware, that Open Space does
and did happen at place...

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