[OSList] The 5th Principle / Sardinia

Stanley Park spark.osk at gmail.com
Tue May 24 00:04:40 PDT 2011

"As courageous souls flood our planet with provocative messages of their
compelling quest, *Open Space* seems to become ever more *Ubiquitous*!"

To get get this more enjoyable for all those who care, I am preparing a
global Open Space event targeting 1st May 2012 which debuts a multimedia
search engine that opens heart.

As a guest speaker for the event, I invited Prof. Miki Haseyama, the
architect of ImageCruiser, a next generation search engine that is a product
of a 3-year Information Grand Voyage project funded by Japan Government. She
accepted the invitation. Please taste the power of implication of the
engine: *h**ttp://imagecruiser.jp/light/demo_en.html*

I'd like to use the multimedia search engine as our powerful means of
disseminating benign energies of Open Space in images & sounds for massive
social transformation at immensely large organization of scale-free social

Open Space Institute of Korea invites our leader- Harrison, the true nobody
and the man in hat, to this adventure. We have plunged into this adventure
and thankfully the prof. Miki Haseyama has accepted the invitation.

FYI, Jackie Seo, my Open Space colleague, had been appointed as the country
representative of Datacraft Korea, which will steward global partnership of
Japan-Korea in the grand voyage of information.

Please let me know if you would be able to make yourself available for not
only our Open Space community but also community of humanities.

Ever more enjoying opening space inward & outward,

Spirit powered by OST

Liberate the leader in each of us.

2011/5/24 Harrison Owen <hhowen at verizon.net>

> The recent gathering in Sardinia was a treasure. But then again, every such
> gathering is unique and rich. A special gift for me was a series of extended
> conversations with Claudia, whose last name has disappeared in my senile
> brain. She had been in Egypt with the Facebook crowd in the square – and how
> she came to Sardinia is a story in itself. Seems like the young Egyptians
> were opening space right and left as they negotiated their way through their
> version of The Arab Spring. Somewhere along the line they went online in
> search of more information – connected with my youngest son (of the same
> name) who passed them along to me. We exchanged several emails, and I
> suggested that were it possible to come to Sardinia they would have the
> opportunity to connect with many marvelous new colleagues whose collective
> wisdom vastly exceed my own. Only Claudia could come but she carried the
> tale. Marvelous!
> So we talked. And as she described the happenings of those interesting days
> it gradually dawned on me that the Open Space of major significance was not
> so much the several gatherings convened under that title – but rather the
> ebb and flow of Tahrir Square. That indeed was a convening of those who
> cared. In palpable ways they brought their passion and responsibility into
> that present moment. And while it is true that they never sat in a circle or
> created a bulletin board, they surely opened a market place of ideas, hopes,
> and dreams – which in turn created new circles of caring. Claudia said it
> was a dance, a massive, multiple circle dance as those who cared shared
> their passion(s) with responsibility. The circles formed and broke, only to
> form again in new, richer and more complex patterns. Who can say what the
> precise results are or will be. (The Proceedings have yet to be printed J)
> – but the typical behaviors of every good Open Space were manifest in
> abundance. “High Learning” – in which previously impossible ideas and
> aspirations came alive. “High Play” – in which strangers and sometime
> enemies ate and laughed together. Serious moments for sure but leavened with
> a lightness that comes when the flood gates of renewal are wide open.
>  “Appropriate Structure and Control” – God knows how many people were there,
> and for sure nobody was in charge. But that did not mean that violent and
> bloody chaos was the order of the day – although doubtless nobody would have
> been surprised had they appeared. But there was structure as the dance
> circled on. And the control was emergent from the people, born of their
> passion and responsibility. “Genuine Community?” – Total strangers coming
> home, wrapped in the care and concern of their fellows. And “Authentic
> Leadership?” You bet! – Not the sort of Leadership that supposedly resides
> in the appointed leaders – by way of  the divine right of kings. Indeed, the
> King had been sent out of town!  But Leadership was there in abundance,
> blossoming (what else in the Arab Spring?) where and as needed. It appeared
> at the nexus points of passion and responsibility and passed from person to
> person as the dance rolled on.
> And that is the story, at least as I heard it told.
> Sounded like Open Space to me! And nobody had a plan, intention, or design.
> For sure – there wasn’t a facilitator in sight! – So MAYBE – we need to
> understand that Open Space is a naturally occurring phenomenon? To be sure
> we can give it a boost or assist – But the opening of space seems to happen
> all by itself!!
> So here is a challenge. If Open Space is a naturally occurring phenomenon
> (and what else would It be?) then we have the opportunity to assist. And how
> would we do that? I suspicion that our 25 year collective experience will
> give us some clues. We know that a single facilitator can be very effective
> in initiating the process – not by doing a lot, but by really BEING THERE.
> And that can happen very quickly – let’s say instantaneously. To be sure we
> can make many plans and arrangements: conferences with clients, selections
> of the “optimal” site, providing the “right” paper and magic markers, etc,
> etc. It is also true that even when none of that can happen – everything
> just works. That is a little hard on the old Facilitator’s Ego, but it could
> just be that an awful lot of what we take to be essential is nice, but not
> necessary. After all Tahrir Square just “happened.” Talk about “Extreme Open
> Space” or the Next Step!!
> All of which lead me to see what I am sure has been there all the time: The
> Fifth Principle. We know the others.
> Whoever Comes is the right People.
> Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.
> NOW – the new one. “Wherever it is, is the right place.”
> Whenever it starts is the right time.
> When it is over, it is over.
> I think we could have a lot of fun with this – and for sure it will take us
> to some places we have never been. I’m ready.
> And if Claudia will reveal her last name, I would be deeply appreciative.
> Not to say thankful, for she gave me a great gift.
> Harrison
> Harrison Owen
> 7808 River Falls Dr.
> Potomac, MD 20854
> Phone 301-365-2093
> www.openspaceworld.com
> www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
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