[OSList] Engaging Emergence received gold Nautilus Book Award!

Larry Peterson larry at spiritedorg.com
Mon May 23 07:55:34 PDT 2011

Yea Peggy!!!


Thank you for getting the ideas out there in a form that gets attention.  Wonderful award and well deserved.





Larry Peterson & Associates in Transformation

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

 <mailto:larry at spiritedorg.com> larry at spiritedorg.com   416.653.4829  <http://www.spiritedorg.com/> http://www.spiritedorg.com




From: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org [mailto:oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Shay Ben Yosef
Sent: May-23-11 1:28 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] Engaging Emergence received gold Nautilus Book Award!


congratulation, an external recognition which opens a new Field of possibilities


2011/5/23 Brendan McKeague <mckeaguebrendan at gmail.com>

Wonderful achievement Peggy - for you, for us as companions on the journey and for the world of organisational leadership.

I celebrate your skill, courage and commitment for expressing your wisdom so well.






On 23/05/2011, at 4:10 AM, Peggy Holman wrote:



Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_UumeDw7uuRqf2oYh7hhviuv_-fhPhCn6aog=>  just won the 2011 gold Nautilus Book Award <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_Uukaf9Hoz2MaRmGRtIvKP7u6XSmE_Ehs3QkfYwmTmpKa6A==>  for Conscious Business/Leadership!



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ד"ר שי בן יוסף, .Shay Ben yosef, Ph.D 
ניווט במורכבות Navigating Complexity
+972-54-2112383 ,skype - shayby2 
עפרה 90627 Ofra, Israel


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