[OSList] Engaging Emergence received gold Nautilus Book Award!

Chris Kloth chris at got2change.com
Sun May 22 18:08:46 PDT 2011

Congratulations, Peggy, on your wonderful and well deserved recognition.

Chris Kloth

On 5/22/2011 4:10 PM, Peggy Holman wrote:
> Friends,
> *Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_UumeDw7uuRqf2oYh7hhviuv_-fhPhCn6aog=> 
> *just won the 2011 gold Nautilus Book Award 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_Uukaf9Hoz2MaRmGRtIvKP7u6XSmE_Ehs3QkfYwmTmpKa6A==>**for 
> Conscious Business/Leadership!
> *
> From the Nautilus Book Award site:
> *
> /"//T//he Nautilus Awards recognize books that promote spiritual 
> growth, conscious living & positive social change, while at the same 
> time they stimulate the 'imagination' and offer the reader 'new 
> possibilities' for a better life and a better world."/
> Previous winners include Deepak Chopra, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, 
> Riane Eisler, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jean Houston, David Korten, Frances 
> Moore Lappe', Eckhart Tolle, Lynne Twist, Andrew Weil.
> Nice company!
> If you haven't yet bought a copy, consider this award a reason to do 
> so.  And if you already have a copy, get one for a friend through:
> *
> Amazon 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_UumiUCmnCZHg5jFTl1vMjImSrveMhMlMyv_xiDF319JOHyGpDNd7766FtIp9-9136G76uMQfZHk7exy9_DzGeoPAJf2rDW4lGQhTmrLw25UzhMDy32OkvbhS-6o7XOoE6wqfzwP13f4jDEdBMUxDvfuXaSxdg74HXahMqGa0nbgbGtge7cv7TVLPqKMuVe_AmzH_TPQ8KiGng1KU9zJ5YFRo>, 
> Berrett-Koehler 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxU2ZX12gPM0WpWQ9_TaiuFIcONbIJwbOY5H1a4AmKTRHlK5-cDkFRKF-QoesfkkfW5fQlMX_38Bf6Rs2gG342pk2WkxLphZLZkd6VVeYVHG8=&id=preview>, 
> Barnes and Noble 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxi690TEOb9Ku7hM7TEeImI0MJlAbyRY-xhxxAaZq7bIXfsA6cOdjrn3yK_9KVUelx80m8bYh_Qb7-CT7ZzdaO4IVwPD-cH3AeZFeXKQ9326DH9fxhopcmb6T2onUZQmG2&id=preview>, 
> or local bookstores 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxU2ZX12gPM0UnVRTrEfLOi0N-AQrLZMmGIxUGIqgBvyfOwUaw-Nxbn1XQkZ3d6ZZkoSPc14aPwbSJTljF9NjJfg==&id=preview>.
> *
> This is the first award I've ever received for my work.  The feeling 
> is sweet.  I had a hunch the book was something special, so it's 
> affirming when someone else thinks so too!
> **About the Book**
> /*Engaging Emergence 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.engagingemergence.com>*/ is 
> a roadmap for tackling complex challenges.  It provides stories, 
> principles, and practices for inviting people to come together and 
> turn disruptions into possibilities.
> *Join me online or in person*
> Since */Engaging Emergence 
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.engagingemergence.com>/* came 
> out, I've been getting my feet wet doing talks, webinars, and 
> workshops.  I've discovered the fun of Twitter. I've made some new 
> friends and gotten to know a few old friends better.  In all, it's 
> been a great launch, thanks to many of you.
> So join me...
>     * On Twitter: @peggyholman
>       /I'm sending a "tweet-a-day" with quotes from the book labeled
>       #EngagingEmergence/
>     * On Facebook, please "like" Engaging Emergence at
>       bit.ly/engagingemergence
>       <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fengagingemergence>
>     *  For upcoming events, visit my events page
>       <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents>
>     *  Places I'll be in person:
>           o June 2-5, Greensboro, NC - Journalism That Matters -
>             Create or Die 2
>             <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23CoD2>
>           o June 26-July 1, Boston - Eighth International
>             Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS 2011)
>             <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23ICCS>
>           o August 24-25, Stockholm, Sweden, Engaging Emergence
>             Workshop (more info soon)
>           o September 10-16, Johannesburg, South Africa, Nexus Africa
>             <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23SA>
>           o October 23, Washington, DC, Creativity in Business
>             Conference
>             <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23Creative>
>           o October 30-November 2, Baltimore, Organization Development
>             Network Conference
>             <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23ODN11>
> Enjoy the book!
> Peggy
> _________________________________
> Peggy Holman
> peggy at peggyholman.com <mailto:peggy at peggyholman.com>
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 425-746-6274
> www.peggyholman.com <http://www.peggyholman.com>
> www.journalismthatmatters.org <http://www.journalismthatmatters.org>
> Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity 
> <http://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/>
> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get 
> burnt, is to become
> the fire".
>   -- Drew Dellinger
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Chris Kloth
ChangeWorks of the Heartland
chris at got2change.com

Think Globally.  Act Locally.

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