[OSList] Engaging Emergence received gold Nautilus Book Award!

Alan Stewart alan at multimindsolutions.com
Sun May 22 16:57:22 PDT 2011

Nicely done Peggy and heartiest congratulations. The fruits of your labors
will likely nourish the human spirit all around our little planet, 3rd from
the sun, in ways which neither you or anyone has imagined - yet. I wish you
joy with your tweeting and traveling in the course of this unfolding.

Go well


On 23 May 2011 05:40, Peggy Holman <peggy at peggyholman.com> wrote:

> Friends,
> *Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_UumeDw7uuRqf2oYh7hhviuv_-fhPhCn6aog=>
>  *just won the 2011 gold Nautilus Book Award<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_Uukaf9Hoz2MaRmGRtIvKP7u6XSmE_Ehs3QkfYwmTmpKa6A==>
> * *for Conscious Business/Leadership!
> *
> From the Nautilus Book Award site:
> *
> *"**T**he Nautilus Awards recognize books that promote spiritual growth,
> conscious living & positive social change, while at the same time they
> stimulate the 'imagination' and offer the reader 'new possibilities' for a
> better life and a better world."*
> Previous winners include Deepak Chopra, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Riane
> Eisler, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jean Houston, David Korten, Frances Moore
> Lappe', Eckhart Tolle, Lynne Twist, Andrew Weil.
> Nice company!
> If you haven't yet bought a copy, consider this award a reason to do so.
> And if you already have a copy, get one for a friend through:
> *
> Amazon<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&et=1105575721868&s=0&e=001wTZK7yo1mR63RJhzh5WgTN4o0QpZeMkJgs_mZH2PJ7DywPENA5Sm0Tj_iQUll-IlfiCDPpY_UumiUCmnCZHg5jFTl1vMjImSrveMhMlMyv_xiDF319JOHyGpDNd7766FtIp9-9136G76uMQfZHk7exy9_DzGeoPAJf2rDW4lGQhTmrLw25UzhMDy32OkvbhS-6o7XOoE6wqfzwP13f4jDEdBMUxDvfuXaSxdg74HXahMqGa0nbgbGtge7cv7TVLPqKMuVe_AmzH_TPQ8KiGng1KU9zJ5YFRo>
> , Berrett-Koehler<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxU2ZX12gPM0WpWQ9_TaiuFIcONbIJwbOY5H1a4AmKTRHlK5-cDkFRKF-QoesfkkfW5fQlMX_38Bf6Rs2gG342pk2WkxLphZLZkd6VVeYVHG8=&id=preview>
> , Barnes and Noble<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxi690TEOb9Ku7hM7TEeImI0MJlAbyRY-xhxxAaZq7bIXfsA6cOdjrn3yK_9KVUelx80m8bYh_Qb7-CT7ZzdaO4IVwPD-cH3AeZFeXKQ9326DH9fxhopcmb6T2onUZQmG2&id=preview>,
> or local bookstores<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1103618685012&s=0&e=0012_Jo4GXUE9uF_qgLpzlUA9NHxtZx_v1nPE99FlPQATJJ-DMwdbuOMfWT1gE7D3xxU2ZX12gPM0UnVRTrEfLOi0N-AQrLZMmGIxUGIqgBvyfOwUaw-Nxbn1XQkZ3d6ZZkoSPc14aPwbSJTljF9NjJfg==&id=preview>
> .
> *
> This is the first award I've ever received for my work.  The feeling is
> sweet.  I had a hunch the book was something special, so it's affirming when
> someone else thinks so too!
> *About the Book*
> *Engaging Emergence<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.engagingemergence.com>
> * is a roadmap for tackling complex challenges.  It provides stories,
> principles, and practices for inviting people to come together and turn
> disruptions into possibilities.
> *Join me online or in person*
> Since *Engaging Emergence<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.engagingemergence.com>
> * came out, I've been getting my feet wet doing talks, webinars, and
> workshops.  I've discovered the fun of Twitter. I've made some new friends
> and gotten to know a few old friends better.  In all, it's been a great
> launch, thanks to many of you.
> So join me...
>    - On Twitter: @peggyholman
>    *I'm sending a "tweet-a-day" with quotes from the book labeled
>    #EngagingEmergence*
>    - On Facebook, please "like" Engaging Emergence at
>    bit.ly/engagingemergence<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2Fengagingemergence>
>    -  For upcoming events, visit my events page<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents>
>    -  Places I'll be in person:
>    - June 2-5, Greensboro, NC - Journalism That Matters - Create or Die 2<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23CoD2>
>       - June 26-July 1, Boston - Eighth International Conference on
>       Complex Systems (ICCS 2011)<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23ICCS>
>       - August 24-25, Stockholm, Sweden, Engaging Emergence Workshop (more
>       info soon)
>       - September 10-16, Johannesburg, South Africa, Nexus Africa<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23SA>
>       - October 23, Washington, DC, Creativity in Business Conference<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23Creative>
>       - October 30-November 2, Baltimore, Organization Development Network
>       Conference<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=o9chkydab&t=m7ofxufab.0.0.o9chkydab.0&id=preview&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpeggyholman.com%2Fevents%2F%23ODN11>
> Enjoy the book!
> Peggy
> _________________________________
> Peggy Holman
> peggy at peggyholman.com
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 425-746-6274
> www.peggyholman.com
> www.journalismthatmatters.org
> Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval into Opportunity<http://peggyholman.com/papers/engaging-emergence/>
> "An angel told me that the only way to step into the fire and not get
> burnt, is to become
> the fire".
>   -- Drew Dellinger
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