[OSList] The Art of Hosting Social Transformation in Egypt

Simone Poutnik simone at natural-innovation.net
Tue May 24 03:08:04 PDT 2011

Dear Open Space practitioners all around the world,

Having read Harison's inspiring post about conversations he had with  
Claudia about her experience of the revolution in Tahrir Square, I  
felt compelled to send you this invitation to support social  
transformation in Egypt.

Since the beginning of this year we have witnessed the powerful impact  
of people standing up for a new way of living. With uprisings come the  
breaking open of old structures, but how do we actually transition to  
the new? How do we access our collective intelligence to help us live  
and work in ways that sustain both people and planet? The edge here is  
that learning itself is an essential individual and collective  
practice for our times.

As young Egyptians and as Art of Hosting practitioners, we have been  
inspired by Egypt’s non-violent revolution to help build a new Egypt.  
Through civil disobedience, the authoritarian rule of the former  
regime has been dismantled. We believe that in order to build in its  
place a new society that is just, thriving and diverse, we must  
nurture creative, agile and authentic forms of civic engagement.

With the Art of Hosting Social Transformation workshop we wish to  
create a safe space for collective learning for those, who have been  
similarly inspired and who are keen on shaping civic engagement in  
You can download the invitation here: http://www.natural-innovation.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/The-Art-of-Hosting-Social-Transformation-Egypt-2011.pdf

This workshop is mainly for egyptian young leaders and there a few  
places for people who want to come as fellow learners and be in  
inquiry together.
Another way to participate is to offer sponsorship by making a  
donation - please read our sponsorship letter (http://www.natural-innovation.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Art-of-Hosting-Social-Transformation-Sponsorship-Invitation.pdf 
) and participate with your generosity.

This is not intended to be a stand-alone event, but the start of  
continuous learning and sharing between people and initiatives that  
are contributing to creating the fertile soil for democracy in Egypt,  
other Arab and African countries and around the world. Your  
contribution can play an important part in making this happen.

Please find the invitation and sponsorship letter attached. If you  
wish to participate and/or make a financial contribution please feel  
free to get in touch with any of us by email.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With much love and gratitude,
Simone, Mongy, Motaz, Hendrik, Maria, Silas and Ulrike

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