Passion is Breaking Through in D ar üssafaka School in Istanbul

funda oral fundaoral2003 at
Mon Apr 27 05:31:16 PDT 2009

just one addition to the information about Darüşşafaka School : the school's education is about sciences for many years, they don't give islamic education, the national education system in turkey is not religious education. Darüşşafaka is a modern school of 1920's, open minded and traditional school of 2000's    

From: Holger Nauheimer (Change Facilitation) <holger at CHANGE-FACILITATION.ORG>
Sent: Saturday, April 25, 2009 11:09:02 PM
Subject: [OSLIST] Passion is Breaking Through in Darüssafaka School in Istanbul

This morning, Tanja Vermeer (president of CFAN) and Funda Oral (from AAT),
with the support of Serdar Yurdakul and Holger Nauheimer opened the space at
Darüssafaka primary and secondary school for a group 70 students, teachers,
alumni, mothers, administrators and board members. Darüssafaka means "Home
of Compassion".

The Open Space Theme was:

What we can do to re-animate the Darüssafaka soul that we will be proud of
and for Sustainable Success?

Darüssafaka High School is one of the most prominent and influential schools
of Turkey and is currently located in [Maslak, Istanbul. The school was
founded by the Darüssafaka Association with the name "[[Islamic Education
Association]" in 1873. This date is controversial, with some sources
claiming it was 1872. However, there is a consensus that the school started
instruction in 1873 in the Fatih section of Istanbul, with the first
graduation occurring in 1881. (from Wikipedia).

Admission to Darussafaka High School is reserved to half-orphans who lost
their father. Alumni stay attached to the school all of their life.

Open Space Agenda DarussafakaSoon after Tanja and Funda opened the space,
passion broke through. Within 30 minutes, the participants found 40 topics
they are passionate about, among them:

"Not only the orphans but also poor families"
"The effects of punishment (which are being used in education on students"
"Expanding Darüssafaka to whole Turkey / Anatolia"
"Not only the academical success but also in sports and art"
"What do we lack?"

Open Space at Darüssafaka School 02

After three rounds of Open Space, we moved back into the circle to report
about the dialogue that had taken place. The participants compbined the 12
topics which were actually discussed, to 3 areas to focus on and to generate
action plans, revolving around the following key issues:

    * Responsibility
    * Spirit
    * Success

Concrete projects were developed from there. It was in particular moving
that theparents present said that this was the first time they were listened to.

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