spaceholding revisited

Raffi Aftandelian raffi at
Thu Jun 15 08:34:44 PDT 2006

Dear fellow spaceholders,

Currently conducting an NGO conference using that useful routine as a format. I hope to share this story.

But right now, just wanted to share a small thought:

I recall Lisa Heft shared at the Halifax OSonOS last year that we can speak of space invaders not really existing, or that there is really no one who invades a space.

I had a small realization today that spaceholding does not really exist either, or rather there is a way of being in openspace when working with groups that goes deeper than spaceholding. Don't quite have words for it yet.

Being in the process of writing three books means that the answers and questions come at all kinds of times, including when a marketplace is being formed (talk about terrible spaceholding and not being empty, absolutely awful if you ask me. Never never hire raffi. Doesn't quite get "no mind" yet.)-

One participant asked me what you call the person who is being released from prison as she was writing her topic. Then i had my aha that there is a kind of being in OST that goes deeper than spaceholding...hope to have more to share.

Might we leave the Moscow OSonOS with the shared conclusion that there is something more fundamental than spaceholding when "holding space" in OST?

in granular synkairosity,

p.s. building up on the thought that maybe it's worth going to a Future Search workshop just to hear Marv play the jazz piano, might we have the opportunity to see Harrison offer boating and photography workshops? And might such workshops take us to yummier places than a Practice of Peace workshop? Perish the thought...

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