Open space and software development (was 'A short introduction')

Artur Silva arturfsilva at
Wed Mar 16 06:27:12 PST 2005

Thanks, Harrison, for renaming the thread and sending this post when I have 10 minutes free.

This allows me to say that I agree with you (except peraphs in your mantra, because I still think that there are some organizations - like the Catholic Church and most armies, some companies and even countries - that have a lot of sucess in acting as closed systems - even if there are also open processes hapenning in them) and disagreee with Tom (or whoever he was agreeing with).

If someone goes through the Archives will find a post from me some years ago where, based on an article from the HBR on Open Source, I tried to show that it is very similar to Open Space, because both are based on self organization.

I also recall some posts (from Michael H?) about X-programming and its relations with Open Space




Harrison Owen <hhowen at> wrote:

Tom Wrote: "I agree, comparisons between open space, open source and agile
methods have limited value."

Probably true, but I think that the value might lie in understanding that
operative power underlying all three "methods" is self-organization.


To quote my now favorite mantra -- "There is no such thing as a
non-self organizing system."

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