Online participation...

Thomas Herrmann thomas at
Thu Sep 25 19:47:06 PDT 2003

Dear Ashley
Thanks for your posting. I must say I felt many of you online participants being here/there with us. Since I was facilitating/organizing parts of the event I spent some more time online. It was really nice to be connected to those of you participating online. I also mentioned in the circle at some occasionse that there is activity online. As you might know we also had a screen where onsite participants could view postings. Then of couse we had 6 computors connected to the internet all of the time. The first day we did have some problems. The internetprovider had some problems so we were off-line for some time every now and then, which was annoying I thought...
I know some onsite participants were active online (apart from writing reports) but I also do understand that most onsite participants were so actively engaged in the physical meetings so they did not take the time to participate so much online. But I think most of us felt the connectedness to you participating from your home.
I think it adds to the conference to have this connection and also I think it is good that it is an invitation for whoever onsite or at home, to participate as much as they choose to.

I did have some more interesting experiences and great learning concerning the online arrangements, being part of the organizing team, I'll come back to that in the wiki, if it's not brought up here. Right now I'm in Raleigh North Carolina. Tomorrow we'll start our OSonGenuineContact so I'd better go and cure my jetlag.
Hello all,
I made the below post to the .net wiki and find myself checking back to see if anyone has responded...nope! Now i'm moving it over here to this forum. If you have any insight, please share.

Thank you :-)

I find myself thinking about the use of the Internet in maintaining connections?between individuals and communities of all types and sizes. Reflection upon my experience as an online participant at OsonOS? arose as an example. It seems that a new and unique opportunity to maintain a varying degree of involvement in a community is being made available ?wrapped complete with a real time option (and can I even say bounded by passion and responsibility?).
Often I find my mind wandering to a place outside of my physical surroundings, a thought of a person, event, or far-away-land slips in. When I notice it, I like to spend some time ?visiting? in that space. When events that I would like to participate in are occurring, I often send part of myself to ?visit.?
I notice how many choices were made available regarding the extent to which one is invited to participate in OsonOS?. I have the invitation to physically move my body to Swenmark and the many choices that follow there. I also have the invitation to stay at my house and participate online. Should I choose to be physically absent, I still have the ability to be involved for as many or as few moments as I would like. For myself, I know that while the extent to which I communicate?make myself visible?may vary, my energy is just as present as if I were in the room (though in a very different way).
Previous conferences I might have just ?visited? in the way mentioned above. However, with this conference I had the opportunity to check-in in a whole different manner. I wonder about the onsite participants and what it was like for them to feel online participants adding to the occasion. In what ways was that addition of attention, intention, passion, ????? experienced?

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