our website in Chinese

Artur Ferreira da Silva artsilva at mail.eunet.pt
Wed Jun 11 13:23:04 PDT 2003

At 14:45 11-06-2003 -0400, Joelle Lyons Everett wrote:

>In a message dated 6/11/03 10:12:49 AM, artsilva at mail.eunet.pt writes:
><< I am glad they have conserved OST and not made an acronym with Chinese
>caracters ;-)
>  >>
>Actually, Artur, it would be more consistent with your earlier point about
>Latin languages if they had used Chinese characters.

No, Joelle. In fact I agree with the Chinese translators - they have
translated the expression, but included the English version as a subtitle,
maintaining the acronym OST.

Please see what I said about that in my recent review of the Brasilian
edition of the User's Guide:

>1. Beginning with the title, that I have already commented in another post,
>it is true that the main title retranslates to English as "Productive
>Coffee Break", but a subtitle is included as "Tecnologia do Espaço Aberto".
>Not bad.  (...)
>2. A partially consequence of the last point is that in the book they refer
>frequently to «Tecnologia do Espaço Aberto - TEA», and so the abbreviation
>"OST" is "translated" in Brazil as "TEA". I would like to hear a Brazilian
>pronouncing it, but I suspect it will be pronounced as the word "teia" that
>means "network", which is interesting. The equivalent of "Tecnologia do
>Espaço Aberto - TEA" would be in Portugal (my version) as follows
>«Metodologia do Espaço Aberto ("Open Space Technology - OST")», hence
>preserving "OST". In any case we are happy that they have not created the
>abbreviation "CBP" for "Coffee Break Produtivo"].

Adding 1 cent (of Euro) to the 2 cents (of Dollar?) you offered...


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