from OS Institute (US) board

Ralph Copleman ralph at
Mon Mar 4 14:15:11 PST 2002

Hi all,

My responses/reactions to Kerry's comments and the OSI board's request...
> 1) Open Space, as a process, lacks a universal database of events and its
> credibility suffers accordingly.

I have no evidence of suffering credibility.  Can Kerry or someone say more
about this?  If we did have a "universal database", I bet it would be
chronically out of date and, therefore, potentially embarrassing.  Seems
like we might not win (or lose) either way.
> 2) Database details on Open Futures’ 51 events are posted on their
> website, Do any other people on the OS List Serve post
> their activity levels?  If so, would they let the List and Institute know?

I'm not sure what we mean by "activity level".  I don't post anything about
OS anywhere, and I must admit, I'm not sure what purpose it would serve.
> 3) These postings could be encouraged on the OSLIST.
> 4) Perhaps some recognition or labeling could follow, such as "Master
> Facilitator" for groups of 50 or more, events "Grand Master" for 100 or more
> or whatever.

I'm not sure we should label anyone.  If we had a listing and some people on
the list had the suggested labels attached to their names, why would anyone
contact anybody else?  I think we should all sit in the same circle.
> 5) Masters etc. could have direct links from your OS website to theirs.
> The web site currently has a section for links
> 6) Some resources could be applied to promote the OS website.

Is there an OS website?  Michael has his site, I know.  Is it an "official"
site in some way?  With all respect to my friend Michael, I rarely visit the
site.  I just have no reason to.  How many on the OSList go there with any
regularity, I wonder?

And as long as I'm dwelling in my own e-confusion.  I've never signed onto
the Metanet discussion because I wasn't sure I needed a separate set of
discussions, plus I always get a funny feeling when I'm asked to "register"
for these sites and supply all sorts of data about myself that I can't
imagine they have any need for ­ so I bail.  Why can't we have all
discussions here?  Why do we need to run off to some other e-place and have
different conversations?
> 7) Open events could be listed for potential sponsors to participate and
> experience the process. We often ask people to attend an Open event to
> discover what the process is all about.

This is, of course, an excellent idea.
> Does any of this make sense to you and the Board? If so, perhaps we can
> develop some initiatives by email.
> Cheers,
> Kerry
> We, the board, express our gratitude to you, Kerry, for taking the time to
> articulate these ideas and for granting us permission to share this with the
> rest of the community.
> Our questions to the community are:
> 1) What do you all think about these ideas?

See above.
> 2) Are there ideas here that you feel compelled to implement?

Not really, not yet.
> 3) Is there a role/function that you would like the board to play in
> exploring and/or implementing any of these ideas?

Not certain.
> 4) Of the ideas Kerry suggested, are there any services that you would like
> to provide to our community, example: Michael Hermann to create a team to
> update the OS website : )

I'm for giving Michael all the help he wants, and I wish I were capable of
helping out, but I just ain't.  Beyond that, I'm not sure we are a
community.  We're an interest group, certainly, but I guess I am unsure
about any common purpose we may have.  Kerry's questions seem related to the
marketing of OS.  Nothing wrong with this; it's just not the whole picture,
or the whole *possible* picture, is it?

I have hesitated to rejoin OSI again this year.  Its purpose seems less
clear to me, and I only seem to learn what goes on well after the fact.  It
is not meeting any need I currently have, so... I don't know...
> We look forward to hearing back from you.

Thanks for the opportunity to express a few thoughts.

Ralph Copleman

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