What is the soul and spirit of OST?

Alan Stewart alan.stewart at senet.com.au
Tue Jul 23 17:17:30 PDT 2002

G'day All


Here is a different 'take' on what Winston injected about 'soul and spirit' - and offered in a 

similar spirit! 

It's about a metaphor which you may find interesting and valuable. I too have been inspired 

by all the gifts on 'What is the message of OST?


This is a draft of an abstract for a keynote speech I am to present at a large

conference on aged care in early September. (This posting is also in response to

Ralph's query about 'How are you spending your summer?', although we are in the

depths of winter in the Antipodes :-) ). My purpose in writing it this way is to

intrigue people to attend. 

My topic is "Harvesting Collective Wisdom.'


The sponsoring organizations invited me to do this as a means of exposing many

people to processes different from those they know. 

See Speakers and Program http://www.sapmea.asn.au/conventions/acsa2002/


Later I will facilitate a concurrent session, lasting 1 and ½ hours, in which people

can experience a taster of conditions underpinned by OST principles. 


I wonder what you think of the metaphor of these principles being an algorithm? 


Good to converse, with love





                     Abstract for Aged Care Services Australia 

                               15th National Conference

                           Harvesting Collective Wisdom


I invite you to come with me to explore "What if?" What if people in general are naturally 

eager to make a positive contribution, to collaborate in a spirit of 'We're in this together', 

are constantly on the lookout for better ways of doing things, and are cheerfully willing to 

shoulder what they recognise to be their responsibilities, including to use their best judgment

at all times?


This can and does happen in conditions in which people feel free to express respect, passion, 

knowledge and graciousness. 


Consider if you will this analogy in using computers to address  particular challenges. Some 

problems are so complex that not even the fastest super computer, grinding away for years, 

could solve them. Challenges facing aged care are indeed very complex and tackling them with 

even the best brains and will could mean long, laborious work. 

But change the algorithm, the guiding instructions by which the computer does its operations, 

and the problems can be solved with ease.  


I submit to you that the 'algorithm' to create the conditions in which people display the ways

of being outlined above has been found and is being used world wide to good effect. There is 

now the means to handle the challenges of aged care effortlessly.

This is:          Whoever comes are the right people

               Whatever happens is the only thing that could have

                    Whenever it starts is the right time

                    When it is over it is over. 


And the Law of Two Feet which indicates that people do well to act on their intuition at any

moment in time. 


For when such guiding principles are in place people give of their best, because they choose to. 

When this happens the challenges of aged care can be addressed very constructively and 

effectively - through those engaged in the grand enterprise acting in a spirit of goodwill

underpinned by an ethos in which people at all levels feel able to converse, create and collaborate.  


In my presentation I will talk about a culture based on these principles and the skills required

to sustain it. Also about applications for everyday life in residential and community aged care

and for associated policy and planning matters. Essentially, the wisdom which emerges can be 

harvested for the benefit of all in an enterprise. 


I will also suggest that there is one simple indicator which tells you and others whether such a culture

is being adequately nurtured. 


In the 'Collective Wisdom Café' you will have the opportunity to experience a way of being

in which wisdom emerges naturally and to notice the indicator I refer to. 

Alan Stewart, PhD

July 2002



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