Now What?

Harrison Owen owenhh at
Thu Sep 13 06:01:44 PDT 2001

Three days ago our world changed. Radically, and probably for ever.
Again.  And although the pain and confusion is far from resolution --
Griefwork does not happen over night -- we must work our way through. Many
loud OH Shits! And we still can't believe that it really happened...
Memories will start to flow as we recall how it was before the madness of a
few ripped the fabric of our global community... And there will be despair
as we recognize that much of what we trusted and expected no longer exists.
Silence will come as we find ourselves in the Open Space between what used
to be so familiar and whatever it is that will happen next. And out of that
silence comes a question -- What do we do with the rest of our lives? No
answers. Just a question, a Quest....

For some the shock and anger will never cease. Others will live lives of
Denial, unable to comprehend that it really did happen. All of us will
carry memories of the times we knew -- what might have been -- of innocence
lost and lives snuffed out before their time. The despair we experience
will be intense, and some will chose not to go through it, but those who do
will experience the silence which is at once the ending and the
beginning... And the question -- What do we do with the rest of our lives?

I believe this community has the special opportunity and responsibility to
take what we have known and experienced for the past 16 years in Open Space
and make it available to our brothers and sisters around the world. If ever
there was a situation of serious common concern, characterized by enormous
complexity,  a staggering diversity of  peoples and needs, blinding
conflict, and a decision time of yesterday -- we got it. And we know what
to do about it. Open some Space.

There is no need for a plan, elaborate proposals, budgets... JUST DO IT!
Wherever, however, and with whomever... Just Do it! With family, friends,
communities, fellow workers, perfect strangers. This is not about selling
Open Space Technology -- it is about confronting the Open Space of our
lives with the tools we have been perfecting. It is fast, cheap, effective,
works with all sorts and sizes of groups, easy to teach   -- and free. We
need not operate under the illusion that we will save the world. But we
might just help.

Folks, Now is the time, and we are the people. I look forward to hearing
from you.


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854 USA
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
Summer Phone 207-763-3261
Summer Address
189 Beaucaire Ave.
Camden, ME 04843
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Open Space Institute website
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