Moving Open Space without closing it . . .

Artur F. Silva artsilva at
Tue Oct 9 15:31:43 PDT 2001

Hello Erich and all:

I am answering to your post to clarify to you and other lists members one or
two small things.

At 17:25 05-10-2001, Erich Kolenaty wrote:

>(...) where the hell do you take the time and the energy from to write
>this all?

As the majority of the "independent consultants" I have periods of intense
work in projects with customers (and during that time I "disappear", and
even frequently have not time to read mails) and others where I am doing
my "home work" - this includes reflecting on previous experiences, reading,
writing, dialoguing, etc.

Depending on the moments, circumstances and values, different consultants
(or only one) use free time in different ways. Due to many reasons it would
be tedious to explain, I have decided to use my free time in the last years
to think and dialogue with others on subjects related with the way
individuals, organizations, communities, and even countries, do learn or,
on the contrary, have learning disabilities -- not so much in the marginal
quotidian learning we all do every day, but specially in relation with
"paradigm shifts" (or "double loop learning", as the OL people say,
or "metanoia" as St Paul would prefer).

Of course, I could choose to use my time in other ways - refrain from
communicating in public lists, creating a "new method", trade mark it,
and then make a lot of money to give me "status" or power. But that
was never my choice in life and I am a bit old to begin now... Or
spend more time with the family - but my children are all grown ups

So maybe you can understand now how so different subjects as *the
American reaction to the tragic attacks* and *how the "foundations" of
OST can eventually help to promote paradigm shifts* (and not "more of
the same", within the scope of some "givens") came both to my

(I may add that maybe the fact that I think that war will contribute to
enlarge, diversify and sophisticate the terrorist attacks to the USA
(as it is already happening) added to the fact that I have one of my
children - the only one that is still under my "jurisdiction" - at this
very moment, studying in the USA during one year, have conditioned
me to be so concerned with the first point... But really I found the
second one more interesting...)

>Have a nice weekend Artur, and I am curious of what comes up next.

Thanks, Erich. But you will have to wait. When we engage in emergent
learning we never now what we will discover, nor even if we will discover
something... Very Open Space like, isn't it?

Anyhow, I am giving today in a separate mail another clue.


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