About being prepared to be surprised

Joelle Lyons Everett JLEShelton at aol.com
Tue Mar 20 15:03:38 PST 2001

One of my Open Space conferences was with the staff of an elementary school.
The site was wonderful--the primary-grades part of the building had a small,
circular gymnasium in the center of the building, with 13 classrooms opening
off of it, and a nice long wood-panelled wall.

The students were being dismissed early for a Staff Training day.  When I
arrived 30 or 40 minutes before the event, the gym was filled by
first-graders having an indoor recess on a rainy day.  I asked the teacher
about setting up chairs, and he assured me it was all taken care of.

At five minutes before the hour, the teacher announced that recess was over,
and it was needed to put 40 chairs in a circle for a meeting.  "Is 40 too big
a number for first graders?"  In three minutes we had a lovely circle of
chairs.  Better than any response I've had from hotel staffs!


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