Law of what?

Andrea Barrett abarrett at
Wed Apr 5 16:42:49 PDT 2000

Let me know if you ever want a lift anywhere Chris........


Andrea Barrett
Process and Organisational Consultant

Systemic Intervention Consultancy (sic)
PO Box 3, North Fremantle
West Australia 6159
Tel: 00 61 89335 6989     Perth
Tel: 00 61 39387 8755   Melbourne

Mobile 0407 606 678
Fax: 00 61 89335 6989

> From: Chris Corrigan <corcom at>
> Subject: Re: Law of what?
> Date: Thursday, April 06, 2000 3:54 AM
> The International OS Committee Responsible for Reviewing Grammer and
> Other Oversights has held an emergency meeting of the Oversights
> subcommittee to deal with the issue of the alternate name of the Law of
> Two Feet/Mobility....
> The Oversights subcommittee met in Open Space around the theme "How can
> we encompass movement and pith in an inclusive Law?"
> Several discussion groups were convened, with instructions to obey the
> Law that Moves You (carefully worded so as not to prejudice the outcome
> of the discussions).  Participants were acutely aware throughout the day
> of how they were flitting around the room.  Some walked, some rolled,
> some somersaulted.  Some of those dressed as wizards even managed to
> teleport from group to group.
> Initially it seemed that there was consensus around the following
> points:
> 1.    Language matters, even if it doesn't matter
> 2.    People move.
> 3.    People move using two of something (except for the one participant
> who insisted on leaping around on a pogo stick)
> 4.    It's the Law.
> In the end several ideas came forward, notably:
> The Law of Operative Limbs
> The Law of Dual Mobility Devices
> The Law of Bimodal Transportation
> The Law of Two Feet, Their Substitutes and Representatives
> The Law of Six Feet and Two Wings (a concession to the fact that despite
> everything, bees have two wings and six feet, and rarely walk anywhere
> -- this one was deemed not very practical)
> The Law of Pith and Substance Regarding the Mechanics of Movement
> The Law of Unassisted Mobility and Free Will
> The Law of the Technology of Movement
> The Law of Moving Tools
> The Law of Tooling Movement
> The Law of Non-Stationary Participation Using Any Means Necessary
> In the end, the only consensus that could be arrived at was that regular
> movements are good for you.
> This single recommendation will be forwarded to the International OS
> Committee
> Responsible for Reviewing Grammer and Other Oversights for review at
> their annual meeting coinciding with OSonOS in Berlin.
> --
> 108-1035 Pacific Street
> Vancouver BC
> V6E 4G7
> Phone: 604.683.3080
> Fax: 604.683-3036

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