Theme Suggestions?

Peg Holman pholman at
Wed Mar 10 13:59:06 PST 1999


What an exciting and challenging situtation!

What I have found is that the juicier the expression of the theme, the more
meaningful the experience.  I have two thoughts for you:

The first is based in the belief that what is most personal is also most
universal.  What I generally do to uncover a resonant theme is to ask the
people sponsoring it to really look inside themselves for  what's at stake
for them.  As you reflect on the situtation, what has heart and meaning for
you personally?

The other thought comes from the influence of my work with Appreciative
Inquiry.  One principle I have learned from David Cooperrider is that "human
systems grow toward what they persistently ask questions about."  By
focusing on the problems, issues and tensions in your community, you invite
more of the same.  Rather, look for what you aspire to.  What gives life to
the future you wish to create?  Is it "Creating the curriculum that prepares
students to create a better world?"  Or is it some other purpose that makes
the work you all do worthwhile?

I wish you the best and please let us know how it all progresses.

Peggy Holman

-----Original Message-----
From: David Cox <dwcox at PAWNEE.ASTATE.EDU>
Date: Wednesday, March 10, 1999 11:52 AM
Subject: Theme Suggestions?

I'd like some help coming up with the appropriate wording for an OS
theme.  What I have coming up is a high stakes event.  The
precise theme wording is critical (at least I think it is).

First I need to give some background.  I am a member of a College
of Education at a university.  We are undergoing massive teacher
education redesign.  We are under a state mandate to get a new
program in place by Fall 99.  We have a month and a half left in
this academic year. Failure to come up with a new curriculum is
simply not an option. A key group of ten faculty (10 PhD ego's) are
working on  a new "Core Curriculum."  Deliberations have broken
down over philosophical issues, content issues, generalist vs
specialist teacher issues, number of hours, etc., etc. In short
conversations have become very contentious and heated.  The
group is going in circles and a couple of people have resigned.
Emotions are high and acrimony is rampant.  The group is getting
frustrated, exhausted, and burned out on every-other-day meetings.
To me the situation meets perfectly the criteria for an OS event:
high levels of complexity, high levels of diversity, high levels of
conflict, and a decision is needed yesterday.

I volunteered to hold an OS event with this group. The group may
be expanded in size somewhat.  I'm going to guess that 15 to 20
people would voluntarily come together if they believed real
progress could be made.

I would GREATLY APPRECIATE any suggestions anyone on this
list might have for the wording of a theme to focus this group.
Something like "issues and opportunities facing the College of
Education" just seems too generic for this particular situation,
which I might go so far as to describe as a crisis.

Thanks  VERY MUCH for your help!!!

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