OS within a very defined process

Oliver Schrader a8600378 at unet.univie.ac.at
Tue Jun 29 10:22:07 PDT 1999


I'm relatively new to OS and now thinking whether to use OS as one
step of a very defined process going over half a year.
I've thought it over and I'm rather positive that OS will work in
this setting, but still I`m not altogether sure, so wanted to post
the question whether someone with experience sees a problem in this
setup or has any recommendations that might be helpful.

The client is the garbage department (I dont know whether this is the
right word, but I hope you understand) of a big city. They want to
make a concept for garbage treatment for the next ten years in
cooperation with environmental groups and scientists. The process
they agreed upon, before we were invited to facilitate, consists in
1.) the scientists working out roughly different possible big lines of action of the
city department ,
 2.) the whole group agreeing upon a set of  3-5
alternatives and criteria they should be measured on
3.) the scientists again doing a detailed analysis of the chosen alternatives using the
common criteria
and finally) the whole group deciding on one big line
of action on ground of this detailed analysis.

We are now at the point where the scientists worked out roughly
possible lines of action and we want to use OST to look at them,
specify them, modify them, reject them, find better ones or whatever
and to find criteria they should be valued on  which are important to
the group. We have a  two days meeting, first half day is used to
present the big lines of action the scientists proposed. Second and
third should be OS to add or modify anything to those lines of action
the participants can think of and to find criteria.  Fourth half day
would be used to sort out of all the material and discussions,  the
alternatives and the criteria that are definitely used for the
detailed analysis.

We are conscious that in Open Space the participants can come to any
results they find important, which not might fit quite into the
preset procedure. But we think that everything they regard so
important to dedicate themselves to discuss it will be a valuable
information, and the selection which items will go into the procedure
can be made after the open space (on the fourth half day) without
depreciating the Open Space.

We are not altogether happy (I would have started with OS to find
every necessary and important aspect for the process as for the  big lines of action in
the first place) - but its happened, and thats where we are. And I
think that even under this circumstances an OS is the most efficient
and satisfying way to discuss a highly complex and conflictous matter
like this. Even if afterwards results will be selected by a group
which is only partly  identical with the participants of the open space. (for
the selecting process only one person per involved institution takes
part, which means 20 persons, roughly one third environmentalists,
one third city officials, one third scientists)

So I hope I could you give some picture, and my question is: Do you
agree that OS still is the way of choice under this circumstances,
and are there any questions/considerations  we should especially
think about?
I thank everybody in advance, who made the effort to read all this and
tried to understand it.

Greetings to all


Oliver Schrader
Lustkandlgasse 39/36
A-1090 Wien
Tel. ++431 3107018

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