
Lindfield, Michael J Michael.Lindfield at
Tue Feb 25 15:59:29 PST 1997


I have just joined the on-line conversations on Open Space and would
like to introduce myself.

I am an internal organization development consultant with the Boeing
Company in Seattle (where I've been since 1989) and have used OS on many
occasions to convene communities of people that wish to come together to
explore  what has 'passion and meaning' for them in achieving their
business goals.

I believe that much of the work of someone like myself is to help
systems and communities of people come together to:
1) acknowledge that they are a system or community,
2) discover what common task they are being asked to step up to in
service of others,
3) provide the space in which they can 'self-organize' and choose how
they wish to respond to the 'calling'.

My understanding of (natural) systems comes from a background in organic
farming and my appreciation and passion for how people work together
comes from 14 years of living and breathing community at the Findhorn
Foundation (a spiritually-based intentional community in northern

I'm looking forward to exploring new possibilities of OS with you.


"Bid me run and I will strive for things impossible"  (Shakespeare)

Michael Lindfield
Organization Development Consultant

The Boeing Company
P.O. Box 3707,  MS 7A-25,
Seattle,  WA 98124-2207,  USA

206-865-2255 (Office/Voice Mail)     206-865-4851 (FAX)
michael.j.lindfield at

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